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Regular Use Of Low Dose Aspirin May Be Effective In Reducing Risk Of Colon Cancer By About 22

March 22, 2017

Regular use of low dose aspirin may be effective in reducing risk of colon cancer by about 22%

A Scottish study shows that low dose aspirin may be effective in reducing the risk of colon cancer.  Older research has already shown that regular use of higher doses of aspirin can reduce the risk of colon cancer.  Low dose aspirin treatment results in fewer side effects over time; those side effects can include gastrointestinal bleeding.In the study, people who used low-dose aspirin regularly for a year or more were about 22% less likely to have colon cancer. Although the greatest benefit was found in those consuming more than 525 milligrams of aspirin a week, the protective effect was present even for the lowest daily dose.  The study also found that taking any NSAID regularly was associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer, compared to those who didn’t use the painkillers.

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